martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Still life ...With iPad.

bodegón ipad


This is another one I've painted with iPad and Procreate. A still life ...FROM MY MEMORY. Withuot no real models: only from my memory. It was painted (as others before) meanwhile I was flying, inside a train and inside a bus.

I've painted so many fruits that I can paint them in any position, with any variation..From my mind and  just like I prefer and I want to.

As always, it was really funny.

I hope you like it.

5 comentarios:

  1. Precioso. Esta bien cuando mezclas los colores con cada pincelada.

  2. el programa de Procreate es muy bueno, por lo que veo.

  3. Parece muy fácil dibujar con esto. Pero yo creo que es el artista quien tiene la mayor responsabilidad de que ese dbujo quede tan bien.

  4. Nice Painting. Did you paint it with iPad and Procreate?. Really?.
